I care about the soul - your soul, my soul and the soul of our leadership.
How do people change—really? has been my question for a long time, partly because I am so aware of my own need to change and partly because I’ve hung around the church for so long and have seen so little real change there, despite all its big promises.
Encountering the richness of the broader Christian tradition in the midst of my own desire has led me to reclaim practices and experiences that spiritual seekers down through the ages have used to open themselves to God’s transforming work. For many years I have been privileged to teach and consult with leadership teams in the areas of leadership transformation, corporate leadership discernment, and spiritual community which means I’ve had a ringside seat to witnessing how God brings about change in the lives of individuals and in communities as they gather.
I have been a student, a practitioner and a leader in the area of Christian spirituality and spiritual formation for over twenty years. It was my own journey into practices offered by the broader Christian tradition that led me to start the Transforming Center - communities of men and women who gather around the presence of Christ for the purpose of spiritual transformation in order to discern and do the will of God. It also planted within me a desire to see churches become centers of spiritual transformation as well.
While I have had the privilege of studying under many wonderful teachers and in many respected institutions, the most valuable preparation for doing what I do has been my training in spiritual direction (Shalem Institute for Spiritual Formation) so many years ago. In whatever context I find myself... writing, teaching, preaching, retreat leading... I am always present as a spiritual director, trying to sense what God is doing in the room and helping leaders and the communities they serve touch their deepest desires to experience God’s transforming presence more fully.